Sexual Harassment & Misconduct: Reporting Information, Support and Resources
As a Catholic, Jesuit institution of higher learning, The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ is committed to providing care and support for students who have experienced sexual harassment or sexual misconduct while remaining mindful of the safety and well-being of the larger University community. Dean Rivera is available to provide support and resources for students who have reported or are otherwise involved in investigations related to the University's Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.
In addition to the Policy, students who may have witnessed, experienced or been involved in sexual harassment or sexual misconduct are encouraged to review available confidential & private resources in the CARE Brochure.
Reporting Options
The University encourages students to report situations in which they believe sexual assault or other sexual misconduct has occurred.
Emergency Reporting and Immediate Care
The first priority for any individual is personal safety and well-being. The University encourages all individuals to seek immediate assistance from University Police (570-941-7777), the City of ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Police Department at 911 or (570)348-4134, and/or a medical facility. This is the best way to address immediate safety concerns while allowing for the preservation of evidence and an immediate investigative response. If you have experienced sexual misconduct, including sexual assault:
- Preserve all evidence of the sexual assault or other form of sexual misconduct.
- Do not bathe, change or dispose of clothing, use the restroom, wash hands, brush teeth, eat or smoke.
- If you are still at the location of the incident, do not clean anything.
- Write down all the details you can recall about the incident and the perpetrator including any information related to previous concerning behavior or history.
- In cases of sexual assault, seek medical care as soon as possible. Even if you do not have any visible physical injuries, you may be at risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection (women may also be at risk for pregnancy).
- Ask the health care professional to conduct a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE).
- If you suspect you were drugged, request collection of a urine or blood sample.
On Campus Reporting Options
Students are encouraged to directly report information regarding any incident of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct to any of the following reporting options:
- Title IX Coordinator: Elizabeth M. Garcia, JD, Executive Director and Title IX Coordinator; Office of Equity and Diversity, Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine, Suite 315. Phone: (570) 941-6645,,
- The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Police Department: Campus Parking Pavilion; Phone: 570-941-7777 (emergency) or 570-941-7888 (non-emergency);
- Online Anonymous Reporting:
- Office of Equity & Diversity Anonymous Reporting:
- The U¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ Police Silent Witness:
Required Reporter Statement
University policy provides that every employee (except those specifically identified as “confidential” resources) who receives a report of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct is required to share the report with the Title IX Coordinator. Resident Assistants, and Graduate Assistants are also required reporters. While students are encouraged to directly report information to the designated reporting options listed above, the University recognizes that a student may choose to share information regarding sexual harassment and sexual misconduct with other employees of the University, e.g. a Resident Assistant, faculty member, or coach. The University is committed to ensuring that all reports are shared with the Title IX Coordinator for consistent application of the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy to all individuals and to allow the University to respond promptly and equitably to eliminate the prohibited conduct, prevent its recurrence and address its effects.
Resources and Support Services
Medical Support Services
Medical Services in cases of sexual assault or other sexual misconduct are best handled by a hospital when the student seeks assistance within 72 hours of the incident. In addition to Student Health Services which provides medical support and assistance to University students, medical treatment and collection of evidence is available locally at:
- Geisinger Community Medical Center, 1800 Mulberry St., (570) 969-8000
- The Regional Hospital of ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥, 746 Jefferson Ave., (570) 348-7951
- Moses Taylor Hospital, 700 Quincy Ave., (570) 340-2900
If the student visits a hospital for an exam, both the police and Women’s Resource Center of Lackawanna County (WRC) should be notified by the hospital. The student may choose whether or not to speak to the police and/or the WRC. If the student chooses to speak to the police, he or she still has the option of whether or not to file charges against the person accused. The WRC Advocate will be able to provide support and information through the process.
Confidential Resources and Support Services
Students who desire confidentiality are best served by one of the confidential resources/ support services listed below.
- Counseling Services (570-941-7620) are provided by the University’s Counseling Center located on the 6th floor of O’Hara Hall. If requested, the Counseling Center will provide counseling as well as referrals to agencies off-campus. Counseling services are available Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. during the academic year.
- Student Health Services (570-941-7667) provides medical support and assistance to University students from 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. during the academic year. Student Health Services is located at the corner of North Webster Avenue and Mulberry Street in the Roche Wellness Center.
- Women’s Resource Center of Lackawanna County is a confidential, community-based agency serving those who have experienced sexual assault or other sexual misconduct. A counselor/advocate can be reached 24 hours a day by calling (570) 346-4671.
- National Sexual Assault Hotline is a free, confidential national resource available 24 hours a day by calling (800) 656-HOPE or .
Additional Resources and Support Services
Various resources within the University and local community are available for students who have experienced sexual harassment or sexual misconduct of any kind. In this regard, University policy and practices are designed to encourage students to seek support and receive assistance. Regardless of which resource(s) a student chooses to access, the situation will be handled with sensitivity and care designed to protect the privacy of the student/s involved.
- Campus Ministries (570-941-7419) is located the DeNaples Center, Suite 200 and offers pastoral support. Students may stop by the office and ask to speak to a priest or campus minister or schedule an appointment. Although Campus Ministries staff are not a confidential employees, ordained priests acting in their pastoral capacity are confidential and will not report to the Title IX Coordinator.
- The Jane Kopas Women’s Center (570-941-6194) is located in the DeNaples Center, Suite 205. The Center is a safe and comfortable gathering place that also provides educational programming, leadership development, resources and referrals.
- is a website maintained by the University which provides information and resources for those in our campus community who have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.
- Title IX Coordinator, Elizabeth Garcia, is located in the Office of Equity and Diversity (570-941-6645). This office located in the Molecular Biology Institute, Room 315, provides programs, resources, and support. The Title IX Coordinator is available to discuss any questions regarding the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy, to assist a student in accessing resources and support services and to facilitate the investigation and resolution of reports of conduct that may violate the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.
- University Police (570-941-7777) are available to coordinate with various resources to provide for the safety and well-being of the person who experienced sexual assault or another form of sexual misconduct. This may include transporting a student to a hospital for medical care, assisting in obtaining a Protection from Abuse Order from the local court, and/or coordinating with appropriate legal authorities including the Lackawanna County District Attorney’s Office and the Victim/Witness Unit.
- Dean of Students Lauren Rivera, is located in the DeNaples Student Center, Suite 201 (570-941-7680). The Dean of Students is available to offer support and resource to students who are navigating the Title IX investigation process or seeking additional information related to the University's Sexual Harassment & Sexual Misconduct Policy.